Sunday, January 18, 2009

We fall, so we can learn and pick ourselves back up

Sometimes I feel like an old woman in a 16 years old's body. I guess who can say I have matured pretty quickly. And no I do not mean matured as in I had big boobs early. I have been through a lot and I have grown a lot for just 16 years. Its amazing how little I have been on the Earth. But everyone goes through a stage when they ask themselves, "Who am I"? I'm still learning who I am. But I think knowing who you are and what you believe in is the key thing for going through this difficult stage. I used to be this loner child, that all I did was climb trees and sing songs. I had the biggest imagination. I made a promise to myself that I would never grow up. And lately I have learned that I haven't broke that promise but I learned that, that promise could never exists. Everyone needs to grow up, to learn more about life. Life is a gift a journey. So I made a new promise, to never forget me when I was little. That was the happiest time of my life. A time when I didn't know about boys or death. I was just free. And I have realized that my child hood is the key to my career. I want to write books. I want to imagine. That is one thing I love to do. I want to do so many other things but writing is what I love to do.

I'm going through a crisis with guys and I'm just done. I'm done crying for them. I'm done being hurt and let down. I'm young. I have plenty of time for boys later. When it happens it happens. I just want to focus on me. I want to go back thinking about my career, my grades, my future. I need to get back in that zone, and build my self confidence back up. Then maybe I will shine and someone will notice. But till then........

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starkiller said...
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