I'm not tired...But I don't feel alert either. It feels as though time is standing still during this one night. I sense that pleasure inside me...You're coming to visit me tonight.
I try not to think. Because when I do, then it doesn't feel real. I just try to focus on the darkness of my room and wait till I sense something in the air has changed. I don't know who you are or even what you are. But you give me hope. I feel as though you are my angel looking over me and finding me when ever I never expect it. I come out of my daze and look around my room. Its messy like any teenagers room. But it also has essentials I know most teenagers don't have. Dead flowers, trinkets of fairies and bottles of different sorts and color, books on ancient practices of witchcraft and wicca mixed in with the traditional bible. And of course my random piles of papers, journals, and notebooks. So much thinking goes on in my head, I have to put it somewhere. I have a side to me that my friends don't know...And I have some secrets I've only told a few. It's not that I'm afraid they wont believe me it's the fact that those memories are so precious...I don't want to spoil them.....
I look outside and all the lights on houses have been turned off and its now 3:56 in the morning. I feel the energy and I want to believe you're here, but I know deep inside you're not yet. I feel slightly tired to I just lay down on the soft pillow and rest my eyes. Its so comfortable the feeling of your own bed. And then I get a picture of you in my head because you were once here on this bed with me...I become sad as all the good memories float in my mind. But then I stop myself. I wont get sad about that anymore its time to move on. I have great friends and family and its a new summer and...I suddenly open my eyes.....and I hold my breath....
I leak a little smile and breathe as I feel you stoke my face gently. And I close my eyes as I just feel and don't think. I see his eyes in my mind. There blue like the sky on a quiet morning. And his hair golden like the sun shining through the window. I just feel so strong, stable, safe when he comes. he scoots closure and I feel myself falling into sleep. I feel warmth. I feel comfort and love. I let my head fall on yours and then you kiss my forehead. I feel the sleep wanting to devour me but I want to stay awake with him, but I wont last much longer. Then, I hear you whisper in my ear, "I love you". With the littlest ounce of being awake a say back , "I love you Scott" and I fall into dream land....